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N. Orange Av MMSA / Ivanhoe Village Main Street

Orlando, FL

Client/Project Owner:

FDOT District 5

City of Orlando



2019 - Ongoing.


Advancing Complete Streets Through FDOT RRR Projects

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is investing in improving multimodal safety and access along its facilities. FDOT District 5 Modal Development Office and Planning and Environmental Management Office (PLEMO) have been working to incorporate multimodal improvements alongside Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (RRR) projects. SR 527/ N. Orange Ave, from Magnolia Ave to Orlando Street was one of the upcoming RRR projects identified for a Multimodal Mobility and Safety Assessment (MMSA), which was completed during the fall of 2019.


While employed with Kittelson & Associates, Fabian provided planning assistance in the follow-up work since the completion of the MMSA to incorporate recommendations from the MMSA into the RRR project scope. As part of the process we examined vehicle operations, bicycle and pedestrian comfort, transit facilities, and alignment with the land use and transportation context. The team worked with the City of Orlando and FDOT District 5 to develop a design concept that incorporated enhancements to the study corridor. Solutions for the corridor included implementing speed management measures, increasing connectivity and safety at transit stop locations, and streetscape beautification elements. This process also included developing a lane repurposing study on SR 527/N. Orange Avenue, from Magnolia Ave to Ivanhoe Blvd. to change the configuration of a segment of the corridor to incorporate much needed on-street parking. The proposed lane elimination would support the vision from the Virginia/Lake Highland Transportation and Land Use Study by promoting economic development in the Ivanhoe Village and supporting multimodal travel through the district and into Downtown Orlando. FDOT D5 in incorporating updates to their 3R plans for the study corridor based on the conceptual design recommendations and they are expected to be implemented between 2023-2025.


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Livable Transportation

Community Engagement



Stakeholder Facilitation

Multimodal Corridor Planning

Complete Streets Alternatives Development

Traffic Calming

Graphics & Storytelling


333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000

Miami, FL, 33131


Fort Lauderdale

2598 E. Sunrise Blvd., Suite 2104

Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304

+1 786-245-5202

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