City of Hialeah 2050 Master Plan
Hialeah, FL
City of Hialeah
Client/Project Owner:
Developing a Master Plan to enhance livability and quality of life.
In 2023, a team of consultants led by Plusurbia Design was awarded the contract for Hialeah’s 2050 Master Plan. The purpose of this Plan is to set a long-term vision that takes a holistic approach towards policy, capital improvements and growth management. This plan is expected to provide recommendations to enhance the city's infrastructure, livability and increase quality of life to City residents.
Through this process, the team is expected to analyze existing conditions, identify needs related to infrastructure and regulatory gaps, and address development pressures. The City is committed to crafting a vision for Hialeah in time for the city's 100th anniversary in 2025.
Meaningful and effective public participation is a key component of this process. A significant portion of this effort focuses on obtaining public input around the city’s needs and opportunities. The team has prepared an outreach strategy that includes an online survey, pop-up and community events, public workshops, stakeholder meetings, social media campaigns, and other engagement activities. Based on findings and community feedback, the team will provide land use, placemaking and infrastructure recommendations for the implementation of improvements over time through multiple funding sources.
Project Goals:
Develop a long-term 25-year plan that garners meaningful and transformational changes to uplift and inspire multiple generations.
Engage the public in the visioning process and integrate their input into actionable goals.
Provide direction for the evolution of land uses to guide future development.
Integrate a mobility network that links transportation hubs, employment centers and residents throughout the City.
Advocate for improved infrastructure, green spaces, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, services and amenities.
Foster economic growth while preserving the City's character.
For more information visit the Hialeah 2050 Master Plan Project Website
Livable Transportation
Community Engagement
Project Management & Coordination
Stakeholder Facilitation
Community Workshops
Urban Design & Visioning
Special Area Plans
Multimodal Planning
Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Systems
Data Analytics
Graphics and Storytelling