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Complete Streets / Walkability Workshop

San Patricio, Guaynabo, PR

AARP​ / AARP Puerto Rico

Client/Project Owner:


Completed in 2013

Advancing Complete Streets & Active Transportation

In late 2010 Puerto Rico adopted Complete Streets policies to guide the planning, design and construction of new streets in every municipality. AARP and AARP Puerto Rico, acting as an advocacy agent and community partner, sponsored this initiative in support of the recently adopted policies. Our team worked together with the Walkable And Livable Communities (WALC) Institute in the coordination and facilitation of a walkability workshop with citizens from the community of San Patricio in Guaynabo, PR.

The workshop events were scheduled over a weekend and focused in conducting an assessment of the infrastructure conditions of San Patricio Avenue and other local neighborhood streets in the area. As part of this process, the team identified needs and key challenges to focus on as agencies plan for future implementation efforts. In addition to the public outreach activities, the team prepared recommendations to increase pedestrian safety and access for people who walk and take transit within the study area. Some of the recommendations provided emphasized lighting improvements, increased policing, the development of a neighborhood traffic calming plan, ADA compliance, improved pedestrian crossing markings, and spot specific treatments.

The workshop events counted with the participation of residents as well as partner agencies who are committed with AARP's mission. The group included representatives from the municipality of Guaynabo, the police department, the department of family affairs, the department of public works, the local transit agency, the Universidad Metropolitana, the Planning Association, local schools, churches, and representatives from the various  homeowners associations within the study area.


Livable Transportation

Community Engagement

Project Management & Coordination


Planning of Bicycle and Pedestrian Systems
Community Workshops​
Facilitation of activities in Hispanic communities
Walking Audits
Livable Streets Strategies
Graphics & Storytelling
Public Meetings


333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000

Miami, FL, 33131


Fort Lauderdale

2598 E. Sunrise Blvd., Suite 2104

Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304

+1 786-245-5202

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