Site Planning & Development Feasibility
Various Clients
Client/Project Owner:
Exploring Development Potential
Getting the built form right is a key element in creating walkable places with character where people enjoy spending their time. Site planning is both, an art and a science. Part of this is achieved by getting the bones in the right place. Whether testing redevelopment scenarios for vision plans, or exploring the feasibility of new development sites for private development purposes, a principled design approach is directly proportional to the success of any project.
The development or site planning schemes as part of new development of redevelopment feasibility studies is at the core of what we do. Whether is a 5-10 unit townhome or duplex infill development site or a larger site with a more ambitious program, our approach to each project is unique. Our team blends our clients' development goals with each site unique characteristics, making sure we create plans that are compatible with their immediate context. We develop concepts keeping in mind that building placement and orientation, frontage to the street and parking are key design factors that will have en effect in the quality of life and livability of these places.
Livable Transportation
Community Engagement
Project Management & Coordination
Site Planning
Urban Design & Visioning
Graphics & Storytelling