Local Government Coordination for Better Land Use - Transportation Outcomes
Advancing the vision to strengthen and promote the economic health and vitality of Downtown Orlando
Supporting community leaders identify needs and opportunities for the Himmarshee Area
Supporting planning agencies develop planning tools to ensure equity in transportation
Evaluating multimodal needs and generating ideas to improve safety and connectivity for all users
Implementing multimodal enhancements on Main Street through intergovernmental coordination
Developing a vision plan to implement infrastructure and safety improvements that benefit all street users
Evaluating transit-supportive land uses and potential for TOD
Sharing about Context Classification to inform and collaborate with regional partners & local agencies
Showcasing the future of Biscayne Blvd in the heart of Downtown Miami
Advancing Complete Streets and & Active Transportation
Maximizing the value of public infrastructure investments to leverage redevelopment
Improving Safety Through Safe Systems Planning and Design
Helping Communities Improve their Health and Well-Being
Developing a corridor plan that supports community goals and provides for all travel modes through Complete Streets
A community-driven plan that identifies needs and opportunities for short and long-term multimodal project implementation
Managing interagency coordination for project implementation
Helping agencies maintain transparency and effective project-related communication
Establishing a framework to explore the feasibility of development sites
Identifying transportation needs and opportunities to help build future mobility improvements
Showcasing the power of quick build projects and the benefits of Complete Streets through a proof of concept in Orlando, FL
Providing staff and applicants with guidance to understand code requirements and expectations
A corridor plan to balance mobility needs with community and livability goals
Crafting a city-wide vision for the next 25 years that enhances the city's infrastructure and livability
Supporting Blue Zones community transformations promoting walkability and increased wellness.
Providing guidance on how, where, when, and why to implement quick build projects
A community-based planning process to align community needs and desires with mobility and safety goals
Creating and delivering content that builds awareness and project support
Supporting the City Department of Public Works to get community buy-in for project implementation
Helping advance Tactical Urbanism in Broward County
The 'Next Stop Fort Lauderdale Planning Study' advances the City’s 2035 Vision Plan
Improving safety and access through the Implementation of a Complete Streets pilot project in Downtown Miami, FL
Exploring placemaking and connectivity opportunities through a redevelopment vision
Providing urban design direction and generating ideas to position downtown for the future